ZHU Hanwei (诸汉炜)

Ph.D Candidate, City University of Hong Kong (CityUHK)
Department of Computer Science
hanwei.zhu [at] my.city.edu.hk

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About Me

I am currently a final-year Ph.D student advised by Prof. Shiqi Wang at City University of Hong Kong. Prior to studying at CityUHK , I received my B.E and M.S. degrees from the Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics, under the supervision of Prof. Yuming Fang.

My general research interests lie in:

I am always looking for opportunities to collaborate with researchers in related fields. Please feel free to contact me if you are interested in my research.


  • [Aug 2024]: One paper about deep shape-texture statistics for opinion-unaware BIQA (DSTS) is accepted by TOMM.
  • [Aug 2024]: Co-Instruct is an Oral presentations! 🎉🎉
  • [Jul 2024]: The paper of 2AFC Prompting of LMMs for IQA (2AFC-LMM) is accepted by TCSVT.
  • [Jul 2024]: Two papers (Co-Instruct and UDU-Net) are accepted by ECCV.
  • [Jun 2024]: ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ Build the homepage!⭐ ⭐ ⭐
  • [May 2024]: Compare2Score is available on Arxiv!
  • [May 2024]: One Paper about low-light video enhancement is accepted by IJCV.
  • [Apr 2024]: One Paper about image quality assessment is accepted by TIP.
  • [Feb 2024]: One Paper about video quality assessment is accepted by TCSVT.


Mar 2024 - Aug 2024 Research Visitor at NTU, working with Prof. Weisi Lin


Preprint Papers

    Conference Papers

      Journal Papers

        Professional Activities

        Teaching Assistant

        Credits to Chaofeng Chen for this website's template.